Monday, March 17, 2008

Sorry for the delay in updates, everyone! It was a busy weekend with visitors and projects around the house. We've got Mom on some better pain meds and so she is feeling better as far as that goes. With visits from John and Karlina, Cyndie, Jeannie, Kathy, Richard, Cory, it was an exhausting weekend for Mom but she did a lot of laughing which is always good medicine. Still throwing up everyday but it's nice to be feeling a bit more comfortable.

She, Cyndie and Cory went through a lot of photos and we've rounded up some others that we're hoping to get added to the slide show soon, so stay tuned :-) Mom with Big Bro, John

Again, thank you, for the comments and your love and prayers!


DebLawson said...

My name is Debbie and I am a friend of Michelle's here in Payson. I've actually met Sandie a few times while she was here visiting... she, of course, was holding or playing or helping out with Michelle's adorable boys! I can see by viewing all 131 pictures on this blog how devoted Sandie is to her family and grandchildren. What an amazing family this is.
Please know how many prayers are being said for you here in Payson. We all love Michelle and will rally around her whenever she needs us.
Thank you for setting up this blog so we can check up on Sandie! good luck to you all, and may you all be blessed with comfort at this time.
Love ya, Michelle and take care of yourself.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Sandie: I was glad to get the update yesterday from Renae on your blog. I hope you enjoyed the Leprechaun I send you. We are getting some weather above freezing for a day or two, so it looks like spring is just arond the corner. My thoughts and prayers are with you always and know that I am with you in spirit.
Love, Gary

Abbi said...

Sandie, Chad and I are thinking about you and praying for your comfort! We hope the different pain meds you're on now will do their job well! We love you!

L. said...

Sounds like quite a weekend! I so wish I could have been there. Please know Aunt Sandie that I am thinking all the time. I like to imagine that maybe you can hear some of my thoughts and/or feel some of the love that I am sending your way.

L. said...

Woops - of course I could have reread before I posted! x-(
Well, I guess I AM "thinking all the time" (well, most of the time!), but what I meant to say is that I am thinking of YOU all the time. Felt like I should clarify that. =)