Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm a bit behind on our updates, sorry! It's so easy to get busy caring for Mom and logistical stuff and I just haven't been able to get it completed and posted until today.

We had another busy weekend, especially with it being Easter. We had 18 people here for dinner with Mom/Ron's five kids and families. We worked hard to decorate the tables to meet Mom's expectations and we did a pretty good job! We had a lot of fabulous food too.

It's getting pretty difficult for Mom to be up on her feet with the swelling in her legs and it seems that too much movement or exertion prompts vomiting so we didn't risk bringing her downstairs to join us, but we made sure someone was with her at all times so she didn't feel left out.

She is getting weaker since we have not been able to stop the vomiting, yet. We're trying some things and hoping that it will eventually alleviate some of the symptoms or at least provide more relief but it does seem we can get the pain level under better control so that's good.

We don't include every little detail but in general she needs help with most everything and gets worn out VERY easily. We're doing our very best to make her as comfortable as possible. We're having a hospital bed delivered tomorrow and that will help tremendously with getting her in and out of bed and help her change positions easier.

She's more drowsy with the pain meds and one of the things she's taking makes her a bit loopy :-) which has been a source of some humor and confusion at times. For example, Cory and I were visiting with her Saturday night having a heart to heart and discussing the "hallucinations" and a few minutes later she smiled and kind of giggled and told us, "Just so you know, someone is serving you cookies right now!" in a way that told us she knew it wasn't really happening but it's what she was seeing. So we asked, "What kind of cookies?" We all laughed. Luckily she's not having any disturbing experiences or anything like that.

We appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts on her, and our behalf, and all the sweet messages that you put on the blog.


Kay said...

Hi Sandie and family! Pam is visiting and told me about this blog. Renae, I am so impressed with what you are doing and it is a great way to keep us all informed. I have really enjoyed reading all of the messages and seeing the pictures---where have all the years gone???

Please give Sandie a big hug from me and tell her how much I love her and wish that I could be with her in person.

Love to all of the rest of the family, as well.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Sandie: What fun it was talking with you on Tuesday. I loved every second of it and treasure your kind words. Not many people knew me like you did and I am truly greatful for the wonderful times we had together Sandie.
Hopefully you have your hospital bed by now. It sounds like that should be a help to make you more comfortable and also assist those who are carring for you.
Renae and Michelle have their hands full keep a schedule of all the visitors you are getting. It's nice to know that so many of your family and friends care and want to see you. I wish I was closer as I would want to see too.
Lots of HUGS and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Gary